입력 : 2012-01-11 04:02:02
제작사 혹은 제작자: DiSTANTX
운영체제 : 윈도우 XP/VISTA/7
언인스톨 지원여부 : 지원안함
라이센스 정보 : 프리웨어
시스템에 설치되어 있는 어도비 플래쉬 플레이어의 버전을 자동 확인하여 최신버전으로 자동 업데이트 해주는 유틸리티입니다.
Bugfix: Option "Do not ask if this program should be copied to autorun" was ignored
Bugfix: Some systems had problems if installing with administrator accounts
Bugfix: Option "Disable options to show passwords" was not disabled when a remote configuration file was in use
Bugfix: At start options were not properly disabled when a remote configuration file was in use
Bugfix: Fixed several smaller issues
Improvement: -show parameter automatically kills running instances and loads a visible one
베타뉴스 Myfolder ()
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